Sponsorship and Philanthropy
Create positive social change in the regions hosting our plants.
Governing regulations
- TMK Group’s Code of Ethics
- Regulations on TMK Group’s Charity Policy
- TMK Group’s Policy on Social Investment, Charitable and Sponsorship Activities (approved by TMK’s Board of Directors on October 07, 2019).
TMK runs its charity projects via a professional operator – the Sinara Charity Foundation, established in 2001, and directly via the Company’s plants in its operating regions.
Priority areas of TMK’s charitable efforts in 2020:
- Healthcare
- Training and education
- Culture and art
- Development of local communities
- Sports
In 2020, with TMK’s support, the Sinara Charity Foundation implemented the following socially significant initiatives:
- Financial support to 151 non-profit organizations, including 44 through various grant competitions.
- Tochka Opory (Foothold), a corporate career advising project spanning 10 cities in the Volgograd, Kaluga, Kurgan, Orenburg, Orel, Rostov, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk Regions. For the first time, over 6,000 high-school students from 100 schools attended the project events. More than 1,200 events were held (comprising tours, “live lessons”, TV shows dedicated to basic trades, training sessions for teachers, etc.). 18 classrooms in the winning schools have been equipped for industry-related programs. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, art and science contests were held remotely for the first time. The best drawings of jobs in the past season were included in the gift calendar of TMK2U Corporate University.
- As part of the Rostochek (Little Sprout) programme to support pre-school institutions, the Company purchased necessary medical equipment — thermometers and germicidal recirculators — for 39 mainstream and special kindergartens in the Volgograd, Rostov and Sverdlovsk Regions. The Company purchased soft supplies for institutions in Kamensk-Uralsky and equipped chess areas at institutions in Polevskoy (both in the Sverdlovsk Region).
- Together with the Sverdlovsk State Philharmonic, TMK implements a social and cultural project, Great Music for Little Hearts, benefiting residents of eight orphanages across the Sverdlovsk Region. The Philharmonic performers give interactive concert lessons, introducing small kids to classical art.
«Stop Coronavirus!!» in figures:
1.5 mln
X-BIO portable isolator
disinfection chamber
dozens of pieces of equipment for games and sports
household items and essentials for social infrastructure facilities
In 2020, TMK and the Sinara Charity Foundation implemented the largest fundraising project in the Foundation’s history “Stop Coronavirus!” The project aims at supporting hospitals, healthcare institutions and non-profit organizations that help elderly people who live alone. The project raised RUB 100 million, including financial support from TMK and individual donations from all over Russia, to purchase personal protective equipment for 44 healthcare institutions in 23 cities and settlements across Russia: Abdulino, Artemovsky, Atkarsk, Chusovoy, Kaluga, Kamensk-Uralsky, Karshevitoye, Kartaly, Lyudinovo, Michurinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Orsk, Polevskoy, Slyudyanka, Sochi, Taganrog, Taiga, Tikhoretsk, Ulyanovsk, Vereshchagino, Volzhsky, Yekaterinburg and Zlatoust.

Volunteers who assisted the elderly and people with reduced mobility in self-isolation were not left out either. As part of the nationwide #AllInThisTogether campaign, the Sinara Charity Foundation purchased the necessary equipment to set up 12 volunteer centers in the Sverdlovsk Region.
Under the project, TAGMET purchased medicines and medical equipment for the needs of the City Emergency Hospital, renovated several hospital departments, and manufactured equipment components for the Taganrog Children’s Hospital. Volzhsky Pipe Plant purchased advanced equipment for diagnostic laboratories for COVID-19 testing at City Children’s Polyclinic No. 2 and innovative equipment and medicines for the Volgograd Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital to treat patients with COVID-19. In addition, Volgograd Regional Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases No. 1 was also provided with necessary medical equipment.
- The Painless Children’s Hospital project continues to supply medical equipment for, and promote the practice of, the latest innovative low-invasive surgery methods, providing children with a comfortable environment which minimizes stress as they undergo medical treatment. In 2020, the Company purchased a cystoscope and Hopkins optics for the Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital (Yekaterinburg) to examine the urinary system of babies from 0 to 6 months.
- Under the Daily Charity joint project with SKB-BANK, TMK raised RUB 3,174,000 to help children with cancer at the Center of Children’s Oncology and Hematology of the Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital in Yekaterinburg and the oncology department of the Kaluga Regional Clinical Children’s Hospital. For the most part, the individual donations were used to buy expensive medication for the Center of Children’s Oncology and Hematology, procure innovative low-invasive surgery equipment for the Kaluga Regional Clinical Children’s Hospital, and organize training for oncologists on how to use the equipment.
- The Managers League project, aiming at identifying talented managers who would like to change life for the better in the regions of TMK’s presence, took place in three cities — Volzhsky (Volgograd Region), Kamensk-Uralsky (Sverdlovsk Region) and Orsk (Orenburg Region). The project involved over 100 participants and announced 12 winners: four managers from Orsk, four from Kamensk-Uralsky and three from Volzhsky will be trained in special management programs at TMK2U Corporate University and included in the cities’ management talent pools.
- As part of the ABC of the Theatre project, children from orphanages and rehabilitation centers in the Sverdlovsk Region are introduced to best theatrical productions. In 2020, the Nutcracker Ballet Theatre (Yekaterinburg) staged a charity performance at Polevskoy (Sverdlovsk Region). The music show was held in compliance with COVID-19 sanitation requirements. The fun and educative performance full of exciting adventures gathered 300 spectators.
- From 10 to 14 September, Yekaterinburg hosted the participants of the 10th anniversary Petrushka the Great international puppet theatre festival, supported by TMK and the Sinara Charity Foundation. 15 theatres from Russia, Germany and France presented puppet shows under the topic “Puppet Theatre: The Link of Times”.
- The Sinara Charity Foundation supported the 5th International Classical Dance Competition, The Nutcracker Invites, held online for the first time. The large-scale cultural event was attended by 140 performers and more than 30 groups of artists from Germany, Israel and Russia. The winners and laureates received 16 grants from the Foundation.
- 2020 saw a unique project supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation — Art Platform to Develop and Promote Modern Art in the Urals region to build a creative community bringing together contemporary Urals artists and young critics, foreign art experts and art historians. Within the project, an information portal has been launched that publishes articles about contemporary art and contemporary artists, and four art brochures (zines) — monographs on the artists, have been published. The project also featured an outdoor exhibition in Yekaterinburg.
- With TMK and the Sinara Charity Foundation’s support, an outdoor photo exhibition OBJECTIVE Charity was opened in Yekaterinburg. The layout included 35 photographs showing the work of Russian foundations and organizations that change the world for the better every day. Another 15 photographs focused on corporate philanthropy projects.

In 2020, TMK’s volunteers:
- TMK plant employees take active part in the Corporate Citizenship project by donating blood and plasma to children.
- Took an active part in the #GivingTuesday2020 international initiative. The corporate campaign to support children from social care institutions covered 23 Russian cities, raising funds to purchase over 8,000 items of stationery and school supplies. The donations, including via a QR code, exceeded RUB 125 thousand
- The Company continuously implements the corporate donor campaign “Let Children Smile Again!” The campaign is promoted at the Company’s enterprises, and its employees donate blood to local children’s hospitals
- All TMK Russian plants run charitable programs, are involved in volunteering initiatives, and consistently provide aid to both veteran organizations and children’s and healthcare institutions.
TMK entities run regular long-term charitable activities and campaigns

TAGMET (Taganrog Metallurgical Works)
TAGMET’s philanthropy and sponsorship investment in 2020 totaled almost RUB 27 million. For many years, TAGMET has been providing financial support to pre-schools and sponsored secondary schools to upgrade their facilities, pay monthly student scholarships and award graduates of metallurgical colleges with prizes for their excellent academic performance. To improve engagement among Taganrog’s plant residents, TAGMET holds an annual contest of social projects Idei v Zhizn (Turning Ideas into Reality), providing the winners with financial support to implement their programs. The company is also focused on creating a favorable urban environment, including through area improvement and holding cleanup days.

Volzhsky Pipe Plant
Volzhsky Pipe Plant’s philanthropy and sponsorship investment exceeded RUB 48.6 million. Volzhsky Pipe Plant helps educational institutions to equip research laboratories, publish collections of science articles and pay scholarships to promising students and grants to teachers. The plant provides financial assistance to pre-schools and orphanages, renting transport for the disabled and helping to buy gifts for children with disabilities. In 2020, Volzhsky Pipe Plant continued its cooperation with local non-profit organizations to implement a number of socially significant projects, including in sports, inclusion and environmental protection. The plant’s Council of Young Pipe Manufacturers traditionally provides aid to the Volzhsky Baby House, the Dom Miloserdiya orthodox orphanage, the Nadezhda Center for Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities, the Cheremushka Childcare Center for Visually Impaired Children, and to WW2 veterans. Volzhsky Pipe Plant is also implementing the construction of the Metallurg sports and recreation center.

Sinarsky Pipe Plant
Sinarsky Pipe Plant’s philanthropy and sponsorship investment exceeded RUB 78 million. In Kamensk-Uralsky, Sinarsky Pipe Plant regularly holds sports events for the young, such as city and regional tournaments in football, hockey, swimming, volleyball, boxing, trap shooting and chess. Financial support is given to children’s sports clubs, educational institutions and artist groups such as a sports ballroom dancing group, a pop singing studio and a Cossack song group. An important part of the plant’s social policy is support for veterans of the Great Patriotic War: in 2020, Sinarsky Pipe Plant congratulated 150 veterans on the 75th anniversary of the Victory Day, presented tours to a health resort to 78 veterans and renovated flats for two veterans. Special attention is paid to the cultural development of the plant employees and residents of Kamensk-Uralsky through organizing theatrical performances and concerts for the employees and their families. Each year, with the support from Sinarsky Pipe Plant, a New Year ice town is built in Kamensk-Uralsky, the Baptismal Font free mass event is held at the Sinara sports center, and the Yunost Culture Center hosts celebrations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women’s Day, and public festivals on Maslenitsa. The city’s sports centers have health programs for Sinarsky Pipe Plant employees in swimming and gymnastics.

Seversky Pipe Plant
Seversky Pipe Plant’s philanthropy and sponsorship investment amounted to almost RUB 26 million. Seversky Pipe Plant provides financial support to sponsored educational institutions in Polevskoy and offers career guidance in cooperation with the Administration of the Polevskoy Urban District, Education Department, secondary and vocational educational institutions and public schools. Seversky Pipe Plant places a special emphasis on promoting healthy lifestyles among citizens.
Orsky Machine Building Plant
Orsky Machine Building Plant’s philanthropy and sponsorship investment was almost RUB 6 million. Orsky Machine Building Plant cooperates closely with local non-profit organizations and provides financial support to educational and social institutions in Orsk. In 2020, the company held its traditional Help a Big Family campaign, during which the company’s employees donated food baskets to large families.
The Sinara Charitable Foundation was ranked 39th in the ranking of Russian corporate and private foundations by the Vedomosti newspaper and 15th in the Public Recognition and Activity in Social Networks and Media category.
The Foundation was included in the register of Russia’s socially-oriented non-profit organizations (No. 4655).
In the Corporate Philanthropy Leaders ranking by the Donors Forum, TMK was assigned the B category, implying a good philanthropic practice.