Sustainable Development Report
Environmental responsibility, safe working conditions, looking after employee health and development, respecting human rights, creating decent living conditions and improving the quality of life in the regions in which we operate are our key priorities underpinning the long-term success of our business. We strive to create value for our stakeholders, to be transparent and open to dialogue.
TMK Group companies are major employers and taxpayers, with entire ecosystems centered around them. The Company strives to minimize its environmental impact and improve the environmental situation in the regions in which it operates, to help develop and maintain social infrastructure, enhance the scientific and educational potential of the regions where it operates, and create an innovative environment by introducing advanced technologies and scientific developments.
ESG ratings

In December 2020, the Group’s MSCI ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) rating was affirmed at «BB».

In March 2021, ISS affirmed TMK’s corporate governance score of 3 (with 1 being low risk and 10 being high risk).
Public Recognition
In 2020, TMK ranked seventh in the sustainability ranking of Russian companies compiled by the Expert magazine — the best performance among Russian steelmakers. The ranking includes five measures of performance:
- financial performance
- social policy and HR management
- environmental performance of operations
- contribution to social infrastructure development and charitable activities in regions of operation
- SME engagement
According to the survey, TMK scored the most in Local Development, taking the sixth place in this category.
For the third year running, TMK topped the annual social efficiency ranking among Russian metals and mining companies, compiled by AK&M Analytical Information Agency to assess the social efficiency of major Russian companies, determine the leaders and identify the companies that make the biggest contribution to society while producing the lowest impact on the environment, as well as to find the right balance between the companies’ environmental footprint and their positive social impact.